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Ruchir Bansal

The Tulsi Lore

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Tulsi Lake at Borivli National Park


The Tulsi Lore

Ah! Old friend,
We meet again!
On mountain ridge
the forest stands.
It clads the slopes
And level lands
The forest
From the range descends,
In silence and
To meet the lake
Upon the shore.
It does so now
As it did before
The forest
Opens up to sky
At the lake
Where waters lie
Calm and deep,
Far and wide,
Etched in and out
By mountain side
Forest fragrances
Waft along.
The babblers call
Their jungle song
To a favoured perch
Kingfishers glide,
A blazing blue
Streak in mid-flight
Monkeys come to drink
Their fill
And look over their
Shoulders still
For unseen
By the human eye
The leopard
And crocodile abide
I've seen you sport
By day and night,
When the sun
Was shining bright,
In balmy breeze
In gentle rain,
In whites and greys
When clouds moved in
Such beauty
One has seldom seen.
Is it heaven or earth?
Or in between?
Has it stood here
since eternity?
God's forest water
I look back
On the days I've spent,
By your side with
Folks and friends
Mother's love,
Father's guiding hand,
As a child
And then a man
With friends
Who went along on jaunts,
On nature trails,
To forest haunts
The play and talk,
The verse and song,
This is where
My heart belongs!
This vantage ground,
This familiar scene
Is striking now
As has always been
The Tulsi Lake,
It’s forest lore,
Is sure to make your
Spirits soar!
Ah! What a joy
It is old friend,
Face to face
We meet again!

- Ruchir Bansal


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Updated:  November 9, 2018



The Tulsi Lore
Ruchir Bansal
Ah! Old friend,
We meet again!
On mountain ridge
the forest stands.
It clads the slopes
And level lands
The forest
From the range descends,
In silence and
To meet the lake
Upon the shore.
It does so now
As it did before
The forest
Opens up to sky
At the lake
Where waters lie
Calm and deep,
Far and wide,
Etched in and out
By mountain side
Forest fragrances
Waft along.
The babblers call
Their jungle song
To a favoured perch
Kingfishers glide,
A blazing blue
Streak in mid-flight
Monkeys come to drink
Their fill
And look over their
Shoulders still
For unseen
By the human eye
The leopard
And crocodile abide
I've seen you sport
By day and night,
When the sun
Was shining bright,
In balmy breeze
In gentle rain,
In whites and greys
When clouds moved in
Such beauty
One has seldom seen.
Is it heaven or earth?
Or in between?
Has it stood here
since eternity?
God's forest water
I look back
On the days I've spent,
By your side with
Folks and friends
Mother's love,
Father's guiding hand,
As a child
And then a man
With friends
Who went along on jaunts,
On nature trails,
To forest haunts
The play and talk,
The verse and song,
This is where
My heart belongs!
This vantage ground,
This familiar scene
Is striking now
As has always been
The Tulsi Lake,
It’s forest lore,
Is sure to make your
Spirits soar!
Ah! What a joy
It is old friend,
Face to face
We meet again!