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Ruchir Bansal

Mumbai, India - 19 N-73 E

The area marked in red is about 0.14 square kilometers and is part of South Mumbai, India.

Area Tree Census - Summary:

# Tree Scientific Name Count
1 Ashok Saraca Asoca  3
2 Banyan Ficus Benghalensis  2
3 Desi Badam Terminalia Catappa  2
4 Fish Tail Palm Caryota Urens  2
5 Gulmohar Delonix Regia  4
6 Mango Mangifera indica L.  1
7 Peepal Ficus Religiosa  1 
8 Yellow Flame Peltophorum Pterocarpum  2
9 To Identify     4
  Total   21


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Ruchir Bansal
Updated:  May 11, 2010