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Ruchir Bansal

Golden Oriole


The golden oriole has always been a rare sight in our neighbourhood.  Two or three times a year, with luck, I'd spot the beautiful bird amongst the branches of the banyan and peepal trees in our building’s compound.  And not having seen it for a couple of years I'd almost consigned it to the list of birds that has vanished from our little garden.

So earlier this week when I saw a golden streak flash through the peepal foliage, my hopes soared.  Had the oriole returned?  Indeed it had! If the koel is the most melodious bird in this neighbourhood then the oriole is surely one of the most beautiful.  It is a magnificent bird with a bright yellow and black coat of feathers. Younger adults, perhaps appropriately, sport a greener coat. 
It spent over an hour in the peepal tree, quite at ease, swaying on the branches, foraging, before it flew away.  Nice to have nature’s messenger of cheer, grace the neighbourhood once again.



Author and Photographs: Ruchir Bansal
Updated:  March 17, 2011